The Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang
The Small Intestine channel is the Yin-Yang pair channel of the Heart channel. It’s also the Hand channel of Taiyang…
Below is the pattern differentiation and acupuncture treatment prescription for the signs and symptoms we have learned in this video. There are still a few more things to learn before fully understanding this information. But I will leave these here for those who are interested in taking a peek of what’s coming later or for those who already have some knowledge about pattern differentiation and want to learn more. Until next time! :)
Yangming: ST-8, Yintang, GB-14, LI-4, ST-44
Shaoyang: Taiyang, SJ-23, GB-8, GB-20, SJ-5, GB-41
Taiyang: BL-10, GV-19, GB-20, SI-3, BL-62
Jueyin: DU-20, Sishencong, LV-3, PC-9
Exterior invasion (+ GV-16, LU-7)
Live Yang (+ LV-2, KD-3)
Blood deficiency (+ SP-6, ST-36)
Phlegm (+ ST-40, CV-12)
Blood stasis (+ SP-10, BL-17)
Excess: LU-11, LI-1, SJ-1, SI-17, ST-44
Wind-Heat (+ GB-20, SJ-5)
LU-ST Heat (+ ST-45, LU-10)
Deficiency: KD-3, KD-7, LU-7, LU-10
ST-2, ST-4, ST-7, ST-44, LI-4, LV-3
Painful eye (+ BL-2, GB-14)
Upper jaw (+ ST-3, SI-18)
Lower jaw (+ CV-24, ST-6)
GB-14, ST-3, SI-18, ST-7, ST-4, SJ-17, Qianzheng, Taiyang, LI-4
Wind-Cold (+ GB-20, GV-16)
Wind-Heat (+ SJ-5, SJ-1)
Qi and Blood deficiency (+ ST-36, CV-6)
Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang
The Small Intestine channel is the Yin-Yang pair channel of the Heart channel. It’s also the Hand channel of Taiyang. Let’s start with the primary channel.
The Small Intestine Primary Channel
The Small Intestine primary channel starts from SI-1, at the ulnar side of the little finger. It follows the ulnar side of the arm to SI-8, between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
It goes up the posterior aspect of the upper arm to SI-10, located at the posterior aspect of the shoulder. It goes medially, moving along a zig-zag line to SI-15. It crosses GV-14, passes ST-12, and goes down to intersect with the Conception Vessel at CV-17 and connect with the Heart.
It further goes down through the diaphragm and connects with the Stomach. It intersects with the Conception Vessel at CV-13 and CV-12, then enters the Small Intestine.
There is a branch from the supraclavicular fossa that traverses the neck and cheek. It meets with the Gall Bladder channel at GB-1, at the outer canthus. It goes to GB-11, and meets with San Jiao channel at SJ-20 and SJ-22, then it enters the ear at SI-19.
There is another branch from SI-18, going to the lateral aspect of the nose and to the inner canthus to meet the Bladder channel at BL-1.
The Small Intestine Luo-connecting Channel
The Small Intestine luo-connecting channel comes out at SI-7 while connecting with the Heart channel. It goes up the arm to the shoulder at LI-15.
The Small Intestine Divergent Channel
The Small Intestine divergent channel comes out at the shoulder and enters the axilla. It connects with the Heart and Small Intestine.
The Small Intestine Sinew Channel
The Small Intestine sinew channel starts at the dorsum of the little finger and binds at the wrist. It goes up the ulnar side of the forearm and binds at the medial condyle of the humerus. It goes up the arm and binds at the axilla.
It surrounds the scapula, then goes to the neck, binding at the mastoid process. It goes behind the ear, where a branch enters the ear.
The sinew channel goes around the ear and binds at the mandible.It crosses the cheek, binds at the outer canthus, and goes up to bind at the corner of the head.
Key points
The primary channel goes to both inner and outer canthus; the sinew channel goes to the outer canthus
The primary channel and sinew channel enter the ear
The sinew channel binds at the mandible and corner of the head
The primary channel enters the Heart, Stomach, and Small Intestine
The divergent channel enters the Heart and Small Intestine
Signs and Symptoms of the Primary Channel
Now, let’s look at what kind of signs and symptoms manifest when there is a problem with the Small Intestine primary channel.
Painful throat
Stiff and painful neck
Swelling of the neck
Swelling of the cheek
Pain in the elbow
Pain along the lateral side of the arm and scapula
Signs and Symptoms of the Luo-connecting Channel
For excess, there are loose joints of the shoulder, and weakness of the muscles of the elbow joint
For deficiency, there are scabies and warts
Signs and symptoms of the Sinew Channel
Stiffness and pain of the little finger
Pain along the medial aspect of the arm
Pain inferior and posterior to axilla
Pain of the scapula that goes to the neck
Sinew atrophy or swelling of the sides of the neck
Pain of the ear radiating to the mandible
Major Acupuncture Points of the Small Intestine Channel
SI-1, 2, and 3 can clear both exterior and interior Heat from the Small Intestine channel in the head. They are indicated for excess disorders of the sense organs. It clears the Heat or ascending Yang in the head, treating signs and symptoms of red eyes, tinnitus and deafness, nosebleed, Pain and swelling of the cheek, and painful obstruction of the throat.
But SI-1 is also indicated for disorders of the breast, such as breast abscess and absence of lactation.
SI-2 is good at clearing Toxic Heat that causes pain and swelling.
SI-3 is an important point that can treat disorders along the spine, such as occipital headache, stiffness and pain of the neck, pain of the upper spine and scapula, and lumbar sprain.
SI-3 is also indicated for manic-depression due to Phlegm or Phlegm-Heat, and epilepsy due to Wind-Phlegm.
SI-6 is used for acute, severe pain of the shoulder, scapula, and arm. This point is also indicated for eye disorders of deficient type, such as blurring and dimness of vision.
SI-9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are in the scapular region. This group of 7 points is also known as the Big Dipper.
For stiffness or pain of the shoulder, we can choose SI-9, 10, 11, and 12.
For stiffness or pain of the neck, we can choose SI-13, 14, and 15.
SI-18 is a major point for the treatment of the facial disorders, such as facial paralysis and trigeminal neuralgia.
SI-19 is an important point for ear disorders, such as tinnitus, deafness, and ear discharge.
So, that was the Small Intestine Channel. Next, we will learn about the Bladder Channel of Foot Taiyang. If you have any feedback or questions about the material covered, please don’t hesitate to contact at junhwa@tcmexplained.com.
* The content is provided only for education purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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4. Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2015.